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Tuitions for experts in the field of education, teaching and supporting professions experts


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SUSRET” has developed and is performing tuitions dedicated to professionals working with children and youth aiming to improve skills and knowledge of the employees in the school system and social prevention about developmental needs of children, interactive learning methods, group work and constructive communication. “SUSRET” organizes specialized lectures and tuitions for supporting professions experts (psychotherapists, social workers, defectologies, psychologists) tending on usage of the psychotherapeutic methods in working with vulnerable and traumatized categories of clients.

Trainings dedicated to professionals working with children and youth (teachers, psychologists, pedagogies) are organized in schools and pre scholar institutions and divided in cycles. Groups are numbering between 15 and 20 participants leaded by two trainers. Trainings are consisted of lectures and presentations, discussions and individual and group exercises. All of the themes are covered with working materials and educative materials (handbooks) for each participant. Participants are evaluating trainings and effects are monitored by trainers for the reasonable long period. Aiming to improve efficiency of the trainings “SUSRET” offers continual supervision and consultations on demand for all participants.

“SUSRET” organizes periodical tuitions / workshops and lectures for professionals in supporting professions which are working with specially vulnerable and traumatized persons. For example,  workshops and lectures offers knowledge and skills in the field of psychosocial support and application of elements of psychotherapy in working with children and youth who are expressing psychosocial disabilities, persons traumatized by war and fugitiveness, children without parental care, victims of the domestic violence, persons with disabilities and their families.

These workshops and lectures might be organized when there is enough number of people interested in specific subject or theme by the agreement with “SUSRET” lecturers. Workshops are performed in the groups of 8 – 15 participants. Tending to improve achieved knowledge and skills “SUSRET” offers continual supervision and consultations on demand for all participants.